Can Hyperpigmentation be cured?

Can hyperpigmentation be cured?

The more we learn about the human body, the more we realise that it's not a static system. There are so many factors that influence how our skin looks and performs that sometimes it's easy to believe that there's no way to fix something unless you have enough money or know someone with an uncommonly effective solution. But this is far from the truth!

In this article, I will discuss some of the most common causes of hyperpigmentation and ways to treat them.

Hyperpigmentation is also known as melasma or post inflammatory hyperpigmentation (PIH). It is primarily0 caused by sun damage, hormonal changes during pregnancy and menopause (for women) or acne scarring (for both genders). This can make your face look darker than normal, but not everyone will show symptoms right away. Some people experience hyperpigmentation after they've been exposed to UV light at home or work; others may experience it later in life during a change of hormones or at puberty due to an overproduction of melanocytes caused by repeated exposure to sunlight from birth onward.

Other possible causes include old acne scars; various types of oral medications used for inflammation like corticosteroids, aspirin-like drugs called nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), blood thinners such as warfarin [Coumadin] or other anticoagulants such as heparin); medications used for HIV/AIDS such as zidovudine [AZT] / lamivudine [3TC]; certain herbs like St.John's wort which has been shown to cause darkening of the skin due to its ability to oxidize melanin into more strongly coloured compounds; certain medicines used for treating nerve pain such as diclofenac sodium; exercising too much outdoors, especially if exposed frequently wearing long sleeves during summer.

What is hyperpigmentation?

Hyperpigmentation is a darkening of the skin caused by an increase in melanin. It can be caused by sun exposure, acne, and ageing.

Hyperpigmentation may appear as freckles, age spots or liver spots (also called café au lait spots). It's common in people with darker skin types like African Americans, but it can also occur in lighter-skinned individuals. To treat hyperpigmentation: Use sunscreen every day; avoid tanning beds; use an SPF 30 or higher sunscreen with zinc oxide; don't apply make-up until after your moisturizer has dried on your face; use gentle cleansers that are free from harsh chemicals such as sulfates.

What are the causes of hyperpigmentation?

There are several reasons why hyperpigmentation can occur. The most common cause is sun damage, which causes your skin to age faster than normal, thereby, losing its elasticity. Other causes include acne and injury from a break or scrape on the skin. Stress also plays a role in causing hyperpigmentation because it increases blood flow to the surface of your face and neck, increasing the amount of melanin produced by the melanocytes (the cells responsible for creating dark spots). Hormonal changes can also cause it; for example, if you are going through menopause, there may be increased levels of estrogen circulating in your body that can result in darker patches on your face or chest area due to hormonal imbalances within the breast tissue itself, this condition is sometimes known as "spots".

Skin conditions like eczema and psoriasis may lead to hyperpigmentation as well because they often involve inflammation within layers beneath our epidermis(the outermost layer), where we produce new cells called keratinocytes that produce melanin along with other pigments such as red/brown hairs(also known as terminal hairs).

Can hyperpigmentation be treated?

There are many different types of hyperpigmentation, and each one requires a different treatment. Some treatments have fewer side effects than others, but many also have higher costs associated with them as well(for example, laser therapy has fewer side effects but costs more). The exact treatment will depend on the type of hyperpigmentation and its severity.

Some treatments are more effective than others. For example, chemical peels can be used to treat both residual or old scars caused by acne breakouts or other skin conditions like rosacea, but they are typically much more painful than lasers because they penetrate deeper into your epidermis. There is also another reason why laser therapy tends to work better it targets melanocytes. Melanocytes live inside our bodies' connective tissues called collagen bundles, that's why these cells tend towards being darker in colour damaged by UV rays from sunlight or tanning beds.

Fighting hyperpigmentation is not only a problem for people over 30 anymore. More and more patients report this ailment to specialists, wondering what cosmetics to choose for skin discolouration, and looking for an effective cream for hyperpigmentation

It is the result of disturbances in the production of melanin pigment. Removing them is tedious and unfortunately, even if we are successful, there is no guarantee that the spots will not come back. What's the best solution? Appropriate skincare routine with dermatologically tested and tried cosmetics- this is where Novaclear comes into the picture. We focus on making our dermo-cosmetics skin-friendly and effective. We use patented active ingredients whose operation has been confirmed by clinical tests. In formulas, we avoid substances that may be potential allergens or sensitizing substances. Our WHITEN range perfectly fits this convention.

If you want to effectively get rid of hyperpigmentation, reach for preparations whose formula is based on biologically active substances that lighten discolouration and even out the skin tone. Acids are the most effective in this group - unfortunately, these only work temporarily, exfoliating the skin, and we do not try to eliminate discolouration at the base or in the process of melanogenesis. The whitening body lotion contains glycolic acid in a concentration of 3% - in addition to thoroughly cleansing the skin (peels dead epidermis), it will also help remove discolouration and accelerate skin cell renewal. Its whitening effect is intelligently supported by active alpha arbutin and vitamin C. Additionally, vitamins C acts as an antioxidant stimulating the skin regeneration process. Alpha arbutin, which is an active ingredient of WHITEN cosmetics, ensures an even distribution of the dye in the epidermis, and thus unifies the skin tone; reduces discolouration, moisturizes and tones the epidermis.

A day cream with active alpha arbutin is a perfect solution for everyday care. The vitamin E contained in it and the high SPF 50+ filter will additionally protect the skin against the harmful UVA / UVB rays of the sun. Choosing cosmetics with azelaic acid content - after a 14-day treatment with Azeloglycine, your skin will be 6 times brighter. The whitening cosmetics series also includes a face wash gel - also enriched with alpha arbutin, vitamin C and liquorice extract soothing irritation and redness. It also comprises a whitening face cream at night with active alpha arbutin, azelaic acid and tetrapeptide. In addition to the whitening effect, the active ingredients of the cream (including tetrapeptides and retinol ) will delay the skin ageing process.

In the WHITEN cosmetics series, you will find whitening serum, whitening body lotion, whitening day cream, whitening face wash gel and whitening night cream(


Hyperpigmentation is a common skin condition. It can be treated and it is not permanent. If you are looking for an easy way to lighten up your complexion, Novaclear offers a plethora of whitening products, that will you achieve this goal. Just remember that it takes time and patience!